I just wanted to quickly write a post about how well Weasel is doing these days. He's in better shape than he's been in years!! Granted I don't have x-ray vision to see his insides but he sure does have energy! He drains me in fact, demanding to have the door opened and closed all day/night whenever I'm home. He's back to his very vibrant, mischievous and bossy ways haha. He also eats plenty now thank goodness. In fact, I've been able to feed him the Amino B-Plex due to his ability to eat well again. So he's beginning to get his vitamin B intake back to where it was previously.
The last time we saw Dr. Haghighat he noticed that Weasel was anemic, which the blood results proved to be correct. We addressed that with chicken liver 3 times a week and he's doing very well as a result.
This case has been so astoundingly a-typical, that my holistic vet as well as a vet that works in the emergency clinic in Toronto are willing to provide some financial assistance to have another ultrasound done, as it's my understanding this could be published in veterinary journals. I would still have to pay half the fee though. Since I'm cashed strapped at the moment while going through school again, I can't follow through on this, as it doesn't serve any purpose except to satisfy one's curiosity ultimately. Once I'm employed again, if we stay on this fantastic course, I'll look into this and report on the results.
On a side note, lately I've been following the radiation leak that's been pouring from Fucushima into the Pacific Ocean. It has already affected those who live along coastal regions in the US and parts of Canada. If you live in an affected area, I would highly recommend following a detox regime for not only your pet but yourself as well. Once again, it seems our only potential defence to a situation that leaves us as sitting ducks, is a holistic one. Here is a site that you may find beneficial for obtaining detox remedies to keep your pet's immune system as healthy as can be (or yours): http://www.herbalhealer.com/detox.html
Just be certain that there aren't any ingredients such as 'Mistletoe' that can harm a cat. In a quick review, the ingredients seem quite safe.
This is a blog that documents the alternative and holistic treatment regime provided to a cat suffering from pancreatic cancer. Our kitty was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer but managed to remain strong and live a surprisingly healthy life for an additional two years. The information on this blog is intended to provide people not only with hope and affordable treatment ideas, but insight as well into how to manage this serious ailment.
More about my cat
My cat's name is Gardener, this is the name we adopted him with, but as we learned more about his funny little personality, he quickly adopted the name 'Weasel' as a representation for his crafty, curious and mischievous demeanor. Weasel made it to 13 years old. As of Feb. 22nd, 2013, his world and ours would change drastically as we learned the news of his pancreatic cancer.
My Inspiration
Since Feb. 22nd, 2013, I've been frantically trying to find answers to this terminal illness, trying to deliver the best solution I can, always hoping for a positive turn. I've found through discussions with vets and online research that the information out there is frustratingly vague. I've started this blog to document our progress on this in the hopes that it helps others.

Thank you for documenting your experiences, this is a great blog. It has been inspirational to me having a cat with squamous cell carcinoma. Your posts are very detailed and have good advice, so we are trying to treat our cat similarly. Glad to hear your cat is doing much better!
ReplyDeleteHi Alex! I'm so happy to hear that you've found this blog to be useful. I just posted an email that was sent to me from a gentleman named Dave who had excellent ideas for a treatment plan, along with links to where to purchase the remedies. You may find that helpful as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your informative blog, I find it very comforting to read that I'm not alone in treating my Tigger boy holistically, as I feel this is the way forward....after all, when you think of the millions of different herbs, spices, grasses and roots that grow on our planet, they have to be there for a reason.... I am seeing results with Tigger already with. The Budwig Diet, and the Essiac Tea has just arrived, so hel be on that from today too. Just a note to say this tea is the original 4 herb not the 8 herb, which contains alcohol if bought as a tincture. The tea I was 'given' was from a Cancer charity called Clouds Trust www.cloudstrust.org They sent me a month supply and ask for a donation which I'm more than happy to give.
I hope Weasel keeps going as he is, he certainly seems to be full of vitality!! Thank you again for the lovely Blog
Lola and Tigger xx