To begin, it's been - quite frankly a rough four days. My other cat suddenly became ill and has been hospitalized for 3 days. The vets couldn't figure out what the issue was and hoped it was bacterial. I did the 'self diagnosis' thing, became obsessed that it was FIP and gave myself an unnecessary near nervous breakdown. I received good news however this evening that the fever he had is slowly lifting which means he's finally responding to the latest antibiotic that he's on. If this is indeed the case and he doesn't have cancer or goodness knows what else, then I have to unfortunately conclude that the raw food is the culprit as the timing is bang on. The vet did point out that if raw food was so wise, humans would be eating it without 'rules' about that in place. He raises a valid point. The vet was a proponent of high quality foods without preservatives but not raw. He mentioned that a client of his insisted on feeding his two dogs raw food, which, after they (the vet clinic) saved the dog from a bacterial infection, shortly after died, when the owner insisted on continuing to feed it to him. I don't know the circumstances, and I've heard valid arguments from both sides; however, after my personal experience, if I get to take my sweet Gabriel home again, he's not touching raw food.
Unfortunately although there may be a silver lining in the horizon for Gabriel's outcome, there isn't one for Weasel. I've had to give him a full capsule of the Yunnan Baiyao every day just to get him to eat. Although he's active and zips in and out all day, he's unhappy. I can see the depression taking over. I feel terrible for putting the vitamin C mix on his paws as it just adds to the depression. Each time I administer the Yunnan capsules, he looks absolutely miserable. This isn't much of a life for him. I have to wonder if we're doing this for us or for him...tonight I sat beside him as he tried to vomit, with only a small white foam pile coming out. It sounded as though he couldn't catch his breath.
I've done everything by the book..good food, herbal supplements, Essiac Tea, but it feels like it's doing absolutely nothing. In the past 4 days I've seen a significant decline which astounds me as the ultrasound confirmed that the tumor was only on the pancreas and hadn't spread. I thought with news like that we would have a year with him, not a month.
This begs the question, how do you know when to put your pet out of their misery? Or, do you keep them alive as long as possible and let them fight for that chance? Who are we to play God to their lives? Or is it truly a considerate decision to make to remove them from their pain before it's too much. I'm very confused and stressed out about this entire situation.
Tomorrow I'm going to ask about steroids and pain killers. If he's still eating and running around, I'm hoping that will remove the discomfort and allow him quality of life.
I was really hoping that this blog would evolve to reveal wonderful and inspiring news for others. Perhaps my situation is unique though and someone else will have a success story to share.
It's not over yet though. I haven't given up, and I'll continue to write about the small milestones and positive turns we make. I spoke to a vet technician today who told me that when he was 16 his mother was told she had only a few months to live. He informed me that she was told this several times since then and 16 years later, she's still alive. Sometimes people or animals can defy the odds.
This is a blog that documents the alternative and holistic treatment regime provided to a cat suffering from pancreatic cancer. Our kitty was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer but managed to remain strong and live a surprisingly healthy life for an additional two years. The information on this blog is intended to provide people not only with hope and affordable treatment ideas, but insight as well into how to manage this serious ailment.
More about my cat
My cat's name is Gardener, this is the name we adopted him with, but as we learned more about his funny little personality, he quickly adopted the name 'Weasel' as a representation for his crafty, curious and mischievous demeanor. Weasel made it to 13 years old. As of Feb. 22nd, 2013, his world and ours would change drastically as we learned the news of his pancreatic cancer.
My Inspiration
Since Feb. 22nd, 2013, I've been frantically trying to find answers to this terminal illness, trying to deliver the best solution I can, always hoping for a positive turn. I've found through discussions with vets and online research that the information out there is frustratingly vague. I've started this blog to document our progress on this in the hopes that it helps others.

Hello Melissa, I am so sad to hear about your Weasel. My cat Polly was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer yesterday, and I'm following your footsteps. Please know that you have helped me with your experience. Thank you. Karen and Polly
ReplyDeleteHi Karen! For some reason I didn't get flagged about your post. I'm so sorry for the delay. Thank you for the kind words and I'm so happy I can help another person get through this ordeal :). I'm happy to say that Weasel is still doing well! He's maintained his weight which is remarkable as weight loss is one of the side effects.
ReplyDeleteHi Melissa
ReplyDeleteThank you for your blog. i have learned some things that i had not found and i spent hours, days and weeks researching. Im sure you have seen this website but will put it down anyway. It is by dr lisa pierson, very very informative. Also lots of info on canned food and carbohydrates which feed cancer. I have been buying natures variety and Bravo raw food and i mix it with a little bit of warm water, very little and i use a baby spoon with tiny bites and have to force feed my cat until he learned to like it. Dr pierson is adament about her raw food diet and what should go in it with NO changes. If i do not use bone and liver in my homemade food then I mix some TCFeline in that is a powder and has bone and liver aliong with the supplements that cats need.
Hi Shelley, It's possible you won't see this message. I missed seeing yours back in July, many apologies!! Thank you for the website and tips for a cancer diet. I've actually had to start feeding chicken liver to Weasel as he became anemic, but he's perked up very well now thanks to the liver, so I think we have that issue under control too.