

Saturday, 9 March 2013

First Signs of Decline

Today has not proven to be a good day.  Weasel hasn't touched his food at all.  He had cooked chicken bits, Tollden Farms raw food mixed in with his favorite Halo food.  To inspire him, I melted a small amount of butter and drizzled it on the top.  He still wouldn't eat.  I prepared another plate of food with just the Halo and poured the dry Urinary SO on top which he eats like candy.  He had maybe two mouth fulls of that.  It's really really hard to see a cat suffer.  He's obviously in pain, although hiding it well as cats do.

He vomited today and although there were two piles, the one had a hard looking fur ball so my 'positive thinking side' believed that to be the instigator and not the cancer.

Last night I made a batch of Essiac Tea and today was able to pour it into Mason jars so the contents are nicely sealed which should help it last slightly longer than the 2 weeks they state.  This afternoon I gave Weasel a teaspoon of the concentrated tea, mixed in with Tuna and he ate it up.

In an hour or so I'll give him the Life Gold and Amino B-Plex in a small tuna mix which seems to be the only thing he'll eat at this point.

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