I'm very pleased to be able to post positive news yet again. I was informed by a traditional vet that Weasel would live 3 more months when he was first diagnosed. Well here we are heading into July and he's behaving the way he was 2 years ago! Persistence pays off in droves. Not only is Weasel a happy and healthy looking kitty, he's gained 2 lbs!! That's unheard of with pancreatic cancer. He also rarely vomits unless he has hairballs.
We did however had a brief scare two weeks ago. My husband unfortunately left the back gate open and Weasel took that opportunity to escape. Being a curious little fellow, this was probably the most exciting opportunity to ever come his way. Since it was so early in the morning, I feared that the ominous road was nice and quiet, allowing him to pass over it and scurry into new territory. Once the traffic picked up, I had visions of him being hit by cars or stolen by people who like cute furry cats. When 4 hours passed I was sweating. I made posters and plastered a 3 block radius on telephone poles. I also printed messages on little slips of paper which I pushed into the mail slots of 200 neighbouring houses. I received a few phone calls but they described cats with white on them, etc. Many more hours passed with no results. I circulated every hour calling his name, but no response. By meal time I was about to have a meltdown, as I thought the lure of food would bring him home if he was able bodied. 16 hours passed and by then it was 10:30 pm. Suddenly a neighbour called me, as he had the slip of paper I jammed in the door, telling me that when he opened his garage door, he saw my cat. He had had his door open several times that day so I knew he wasn't in that backyard. I went to my back gate and who should fly in but little Weasel, thinking that he was going to get into a world of trouble - acting sheepish. Instead I picked him up and covered him in kisses. He came home in enough time to get his Naltrexone treatment too as an added bonus. I've never felt so overjoyed as I was thinking the whole time, how ironic would it be that I fear him dying of cancer, I pour so much energy into treating him for cancer, only to lose him to a car!! He had small amounts of dry mud on him so I suspect he was cavorting with some female kitties in a nearby yard - enjoying himself far too much to come home.
So back to the main topic - namely treating the cancer. Weasel had another visit with the vet - Dr. Haghighat last Thursday. Occasionally we need to bring him by for a checkup to receive continual prescriptions for the Naltrexone. The vet was very pleased to see Weasel and thought he looked remarkable. Weasel had an acupuncture treatment and a vitamin B shot. He also received a new liquid remedy that the vet made which helps in digestion. We will continue providing Weasel with the Naltrexone, Essiac Tea, HMF Powder, Tissue Salts and Life Gold.
With respect to treatments, for those of you who feel that the cancer has spread too far to treat it with Naltrexone, please consider picking up the Life Gold at the minimum, as it really helps them deal with the discomfort I find. You may find that even a kitty that's quite far gone, will pick themselves up a bit on the Life Gold and attempt to eat.
With respect to new remedies, I was introduced to MMS from someone on this blog. I've been researching into it when I can (I'm swamped in school work at the moment unfortunately - taking a program until the end of July). I purchased an e-book that talks about it but the section for animals is very limited. I also ordered the MMS1 and MMS2 (second one is required for cancer). The downside is that MMS1 has a bad taste. I have the world's fussiest cat so that's not going to fly. There is a way however to make something called CDS from MMS1 which is essentially taking the gas/vapours from MMS1 and trapping it in a bottle of distilled water. That process almost eliminates the bad taste. I have to learn how to do it still. There is a YouTube video to reference. The other downside is that people treating cancer take this every hour. The only way to administer anything to Weasel is by food. I can't give him food every hour, that's impossible. He's not as interested in eating as his brother, who would be 20 lbs if I let him eat when he wanted. So for now, the MMS sits on the counter untouched as I have so much more to learn..also, is it even effective if he gets it only a few times a day? I also fear about turning him off of food as nausea can occur while trying to determine the proper dosage. The success stories from people who take MMS is very impressive so I really want to learn how I can use it to help Weasel. Unfortunately there's a huge difference between treating a cat and a human who cooperates and provides feedback. I do find it interesting that the FDA in Canada banned MMS claiming it's dangerous. That spooks me out a bit; however the retaliation arguments are convincing in terms of how they scientifically explain as to why there is no harm in taking it. The FDA I noticed never retorted with anything that really explains their reasoning..lots of holes. But I have to admit that the whole thing is a bit overwhelming to try out and in some ways, take a risk on. When school wraps up I'll look into it further in August and keep everyone posted.
This is a blog that documents the alternative and holistic treatment regime provided to a cat suffering from pancreatic cancer. Our kitty was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer but managed to remain strong and live a surprisingly healthy life for an additional two years. The information on this blog is intended to provide people not only with hope and affordable treatment ideas, but insight as well into how to manage this serious ailment.
More about my cat
My cat's name is Gardener, this is the name we adopted him with, but as we learned more about his funny little personality, he quickly adopted the name 'Weasel' as a representation for his crafty, curious and mischievous demeanor. Weasel made it to 13 years old. As of Feb. 22nd, 2013, his world and ours would change drastically as we learned the news of his pancreatic cancer.
My Inspiration
Since Feb. 22nd, 2013, I've been frantically trying to find answers to this terminal illness, trying to deliver the best solution I can, always hoping for a positive turn. I've found through discussions with vets and online research that the information out there is frustratingly vague. I've started this blog to document our progress on this in the hopes that it helps others.

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Melissa, hello and great to hear the news about Weasle! I also have a cat that has cancer. A couple of questions, is the life gold your using just for cats only? Also would it be possible to email you personally to get more info that I could possibly use for my cat? Thanks and hope weasle continues to do great! Steve
ReplyDeleteHi Steve! I'm sorry to hear about your kitty. I hope your treatments help him/her out!
DeleteNo, Life Gold can be used for dogs as well. Sure, I'd be glad to help. My email address is mbatteyp@hotmail.com.
Hi Melissa
ReplyDeleteIve left a couple of posts through out your blog. Ive been doing research on the mms and showed it to my holistic vet. I have a traditional vet and holistic vet. My holistic vet provides ozone therapy for Simon anf acupuncture. The mms is a lot like the ozone therapy. simon was diagnosed withnt cell lymphoma in oct but a tumor did not show up until feb 2013 in his front left leg and itbseems to benstaying there, it started in his elbow and is moving downward. I also read a vet article for pour mans ozone, buy 35% food grade hydrogin peroxide (i bought mine online). Mix 1 gallon distilled water with 8 oz of he peroxide and then spritz your cat down until he is soaking, do not towel dry, let it absorb into the skin and dry on its own. I thoughtnthat ws interesting. Can i ask where you purchased tissue salts?
Oh that is interesting. I've been reading up on MMS (when I have a free moment which is few and far between these days) and I have read that putting MMS in a humidifier, then keeping the cat in that room for a while, can be effective. I guess it's similar to the soaking treatment - absorption.
DeleteFor various reasons that I've required tissue salts, I purchased one container from Germany - Paul's Mart Europe (paulsmarteurope.com), another one from Amazon.com and the rest from a local herbal supplement store in Toronto. #'s 1 - 12 can usually be purchased at several online locations throughout Canada and the US, but #13 and up normally has to obtained from Germany. The shipping is really reasonable from Paul's Mart Europe though.
Boy looks like i cant type, i think i try to type to fast on my ipad! I received my tissue salts today and ordered mms, mms2 and dmso. I think i will apply the mms1 with the dmso on Simons cancer leg. Simons tumor is in sheets through his elbow joint and muscle. It is so big i cannot get my fingers around it but it is staying in one place and i thank God for every extra day i get as long as he is happy. I have syringed all kinds of concoctions down him. I cut his pils up and put them in a little butter (real butter) and stick them in the freezer, they then just slide right down. I've always fed my cats Wellness, carbs and cancer go hand in hand. Visit catinfo.org by lisa pierson dvm. She has a list of all canned food with all their values and carb content. I ordered Herbs from kingdom of basil on etsy. She makes 2 different blends for cancer support. My holistic vet had me get a yellow light to put in a lamp where he sometimes lays. Yellow is grounding. When he feels yucky he lays under it other than that he doesnt. If you want to share your email with me i will send you a paper that this vet provided me on the passing of a pet. It did give me some peace.
Positive energy!!!!
Hi Shelley! I'm so glad your received the tissue salts! I hope you start seeing results soon.
DeleteI've had to forfeit the MMS treatment concept as I can't afford for Weasel to feel nauseous. He's too finicky as it is about food and he would need to digest it for pancreatic cancer. He's doing extremely well though so it's possible it's not required (for now). Desperate times will call for desperate measures when we get to that junction. I refuse to give up on him.
A brilliant idea putting the butter pills in the fridge! I will look into the yellow light. I've never heard of this but such a simple solution sounds like it's worth trying out!
The urls you provided are great. I'm posting them on this site for others in the links section.
Thanks so much!!
Melissa, nausea is a symptom of the MMS destroying the pathogens. The recommended dosage is to start very low then increase it to dosage dependant on what you are treating - for something like cancer increase it to as much as he can take but if nauseous then drop each dose back to his comfort level. For less serious ailments, or as a general health supplement, lower doses are suggested because the MMS in the body that was not utilized to tear apart pathogens just turns to salt after an hour or so. This would be why cancer protocol is 10xhourly, but I wouldn't be put off if you can't quite do that. You can put the MMS in something liquid or soup that he likes, such as with mine I can give him a number of small serves per day of tuna water.
ReplyDeleteAs you have probably read, the amount per dose for animals needs to be proportionate to that advised in the protocols at jimhumble.org for humans. I.e. If your cat is one twentieth the weight of average human, then measure out that dosage (can mix human dose and discard 80%). No need really to fuss about getting dosages perfect, just start low and build up.
My vet was talking about treatment like euthanasia for my cat and now after only a week and a half on MMS he's back to who he was over a year ago. I bought premixed CDS online. As for Calcium Hypochlorite (MMS2), my traditional vet did go ballistic at mention of it, stating cat's cannot take calcium, so not sure about that yet, Jim Humble mentions that it actually turns to something else in the body. I read in a Hulda Clark book that cancer in cat's is much easier to cure than with humans, so I suspect just using MMS1 or CDS would be enough.
Hi Ashley!
DeleteWow this is very helpful feedback thank you! My issue with this very finicky cat is that the second I get to the point where there is nausea from gradually increasing the dosage, I could be done - trust has gone poof out the window. If it was my other cat, there would be no issues whatsoever as he forgets quite quickly :). For now, Weasel is doing exceptionally well so it seems I've managed to work around the MMS confusion/concerns I had; however, soon we'll get another ultrasound done and if it shows that it has indeed spread, I'll certainly take my chances with the nausea as yes, I've only heard great things about it.
I also own the MMS2 but after reading how it was administered - in addition to the MMS1, it just seemed wayyyyy too complicated for a cat to possibly understand and tolerate. If the CDS works on its own, that's a lot easier to deal with.
I'm very happy to hear that you've seen such great success. I think that your situation will help others who may have questions about MMS. Plus your information on dosages is helpful. I found this online forum that focuses on MMS and people can ask questions regarding treatment regimes for their loved ones: http://g2cforum.org/ Unfortunately when I asked about treating cats, no one responded as I suspect they didn't have the answers at that time.
Please keep us updated on your progress with MMS as it is very valuable information.
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