

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Still Going Fairly Strong

So, I haven't posted in a while as I haven't had too much to report on and in this case, no news is definitely good news!

A few weeks ago, I had to be away, leaving Weasel in the care of others.  He reacted quite harshly to that and left vomit all over the house.  I thought that they may have administered things incorrectly to him but since then, I've discovered that stress seems to be the trigger.  We had company over on Mother's Day and once again he started vomiting.  I believe that when his stomach tenses, it places pressure on the tumor and causes him to be ill.  As long as I'm home and there isn't commotion, he remains in good spirits.

Due to Weasel's stubborn and extremely finicky nature, I've had to change his food from Halo to an inferior product line, but at this point I just want him to eat.  He's off on the taste of the Amino B-Plex so he hasn't had it in weeks.  I can only administer 5 drops of the Life Gold.  Occasionally I can get the Essiac Tea down him but it's rare.  The only stuff keeping him alive is the Naltrexone at this point.  He still gets his cell salts and HMF powder which helps digestion.  In addition to this, he receives his drops from the vet.

I grew two flats of wheatgrass which I thought would be a huge success.  Instead, both cats ambivalently chew on a few blades here and there, and walk away.  I now have wayyyy too much wheatgrass to put through my juicer.  I imagine it will go bad before I even get through a quarter of it.  At least my husband and I will be healthy but the entire point was to fight the cancer.

I can unfortunately no longer afford to go to the Holistic Vet which is a shame as he's been extremely helpful and an integral part of Weasel's progress.  I'll continue to purchase Weasel's remedies but due to tight financial times, some compromises must be made.


  1. Thanks for sharing you battle. Also battling with cancer (myeloma/lymphoma) in 17yr old cat. Tried so many holistic remedies but no improvement in condition whatsoever. (artemisinin, IP6, essiac, transfer factor,shitake, primalix etc.) Last hope now is low dose naltrexone.

  2. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you have to go through that. It's heart wrenching. My apologies for the delayed response. I've been away from the blog because so far so good with respect to Weasel. I HIGHLY recommend the low dose naltrexone. He receives that along with the Essiac Tea and the Life Gold, as well as the cell salts which he gets 3 times a day - 1 tablet of each in each meal/snack. The only 'negative' if it is one, is that his eye discharges this oozy substance which I think is his body detoxifying. His eye was examined by the holistic vet and is fine so it's not an infection. I really hope that you see some success soon..it does take some time though.
